what is swine flu?

it is a highly contagious type of flu. the strand is known as (H1N1). It is a virus that spreads quickly, mainly because it is a new virus. it is thought to have started in pigs and thu sbeen transmitted to humans. This pandemic, as it is now known, has first started in Mexico in April 2009.

it is thought by the learned community that swine flu will spread more widely and vigourously around the world.

how does it spread?

it is thought that swine flu spreads just as other flu types does. Through droplets in sneezing and coughs and can survive on hands and other infected areas. it can spread quite easily through close contact with other people that already has the symptoms.

but please remember, you cannot contract swine flu whilst preparing or eating pork!


what are the symptoms

this virus can affect people differently.most people with the swine flu virus will have mild symptoms, whereas others will most likely develop complications resulting in dehydration, pneumonia ( infection of the lungs)or difficulty breathing.

if you are pregnant, do take care as the experts predict that you will be four times more likely to develop complications from swine flu. if you are pregnant ( and non- pregnant women) look uot for these symptoms:

  • sudden fever
  • sore throat
  • tiredness
  • runny nose
  • cough
  • headache
  • muscle and joint pain         

other causes of swine flu are:

  • acute abdominal pain
  • diarrhoea
  • vomiting

a fever caused by swine flu can be very high, so check with your doctor please

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